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  • The uses and characteristics of graphite crucibles

The uses and characteristics of graphite crucibles

  Graphite crucible is widely used for experiment and the melting of metals, graphite crucible material with special of high purity, high strength, high density graphite material; through high precision CNC machining equipment, can be machined graphite crucible, graphite casting crucible, graphite oil groove, slide, drawing tablets, pull rod of mould graphite products.

  Graphite crucible for smelting noble metals selected special graphite materials, can make the graphite crucible product 2 times more than ordinary materials product durability, longer service life, more can withstand more than 2000 DEG C high temperature!

  Characteristics of graphite crucible:

  1. Graphite crucible is of good thermal stability: special formula for the use of graphite crucible in rapid cooling.

  2. Graphite crucible have good corrosion resistance, impact resistance, to ensure the reliability of product quality.

  3. Graphite crucible good resistance to acid, alkali.

  4. Good thermal conductivity of graphite crucible: it can greatly shorten smelting time, save energy.

  5. The ash of the graphite crucible is less than 3000pp, and the metal is not contaminated in smelting process.
